I haven't worn a watch since high school. Usually I use a cell phone to check the time, but as I don't have one now I just check the clock wherever I happen to be. If there isn't one around, there's usually another person around, I just ask if they can tell me the time. I haven't had someone reply with the snidely hip 1950's "it's time to get a watch" yet, but I was considering paying a day laborer to follow me around with a solid marble sundial strapped to his back, so I suppose I could pay him to bludgeon people with it if they respond that way. Of course, for the price of hiring a Mexican immigrant to carry around an 800-pound ancient Roman timepiece I could just buy a cell phone. Plus, of course, sundials only work well when stationary and paying people to commit violent crimes on your behalf is a felony. But I really do hate it when people say "it's time to get a watch". Just tell me the time, don't be a dick.