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Thread: Chavez: US weapon test caused Haiti earthquake

  1. #1

    Chavez: US weapon test caused Haiti earthquake

    [youtube="Chavez: US weapon test caused Haiti earthquakel"]Q9QtZkT8OBQ[/youtube]

  2. #2
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Chavez: US weapon test caused Haiti earthquake

    My reliable source in the DR told me about this whacked out conspiracy theory more than a week ago. For the head of a country to run with such an absurd theory is scary. The bigger the lie...
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  3. #3

    Re: Chavez: US weapon test caused Haiti earthquake

    It must be true!

  4. #4
    Super, Duper Moderator Youk Of The Nation's Avatar
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    May 2005

    Re: Chavez: US weapon test caused Haiti earthquake

    This guy is almost as crazy as Ahmedijian or whatever his name is.
    Quote Originally Posted by YANKEESRULE View Post
    Yea got hand it to the Sox, they just could not go queitly into the night. Well, they are just post-poning the inevitable.
    - From the 2004 ALCS Game 4 Gamethread. A reminder that no game is over until the final out is recorded, and things will always get better. Misspellings unchanged as a reminder that Yankees fans are just terrible.

  5. #5

    Re: Chavez: US weapon test caused Haiti earthquake

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter;520364;
    My reliable source in the DR told me about this whacked out conspiracy theory more than a week ago. For the head of a country to run with such an absurd theory is scary. The bigger the lie...

    . wow we actually agree on something .

  6. #6
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Chavez: US weapon test caused Haiti earthquake

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter;520364;
    My reliable source in the DR told me about this whacked out conspiracy theory more than a week ago. For the head of a country to run with such an absurd theory is scary. The bigger the lie...
    It's also frightening that Joe Kennedy worships this guy. However, I'm not surprised. His grandfather (and namesake) worshiped Hitler, and he got fired from his Ambassador's post as a result.

    That tool Sean Penn must be quite confused. He worships this guy too. In recent days, Penn has been all teared up about the great humanitarian effort being put forth by our US military. Will he take Chavez's side and turn against the US military once again? Maybe he and Charlie Sheen can jointly go to Washington and ask that this be added to Sheen's request for a full investigation that the US government planned and caused the attacks on 911. Their doctors should be treating them for syphilis induced dementia.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

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