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Thread: from a liverpool fan.

  1. #31
    Fight the Hate Dojji's Avatar
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    Aug 2008

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    But it is the same people. Not the same biological entities, but the same sort, if you take my meaning. The sort that does drastic things to get attention and doesn't care about the consequences. They just did it differently is all.
    If history tells us anything, the path to redeption for any bad baseball team is marked with a deep rotation of durable starters, a world class defense in both infield and outfield, a lineup that can generate runs in more than one way, a bullpen that won't steal defeat from the jaws of victory, and a top end catcher to hold the whole package together. These are the conditions by which victory is achieved, anything that does not accomplish these objectives is a waste of resources.

  2. #32

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnShaft;585557;
    Really? You're just projecting all that shite about season tickets, I never said any of that. What I did say is you don't have a clue about the burning incident as you weren't there were you? Gotta ask why you weren't seeing as you're local yet you are critical of two teenage lads who bothered their arse to turn up. I've already said it was unwise so I don't need to repeat that but lets be honest here, your real gripe is I called you on your stupid statement about Gerrards shirt burning and the flag buring being by the same people and quite clearly it wasn't but you being the voice of the people apologising can't be wrong, can you?
    You know full well my comment about gerrards shirt and the flag was a metaphor, thats probbably too complicated for you to understand though. Its the fans that dont think before they act that do that kind of shit. Like I said aswell, I didnt need to be there to know that burning someones national flag is something that shouldnt have been done. Do you think those lads are sorry for doing it? Probably not, they were probably having a laugh about it a few hours later with their mates, watching themselves on youtube. Yeah they 'Bothered their arse' to turn up....... it wouldve been better if they hadnt! You also call it 'Unwise' which is kind of a mild understatement considering how a lot of people seem to have reacted to it.

    And yeah, youre the one saying that if people dont go to matches theyre not fans m8, not me. A lot of people go to matches when they can, like mentioned in a previous post..... they just cant afford to go regularly. Were not all heroes like you with season tickets m8 so for that I apologise.

    You just exude arrogance and ignorance. Ill leave it at that as were not doing ourselves any favours dragging this out on these forums. You may not care about our relations with what could soon be our "Sister/Brother" club but a lot of fans do.

    My exact quote from the other thread:

    "Burning the stars and stripes was a quite stupid gesture indeed but it was done by a minority, the same kind of minority that burned a Steven Gerrard shirt a few seasons ago. Namely one that fails to think before it acts."

    Where here do I say that its the same people? I say its the same kind of people. Get your facts straight lad, or learn how to read.

  3. #33

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Once the initial troll-hopping ceased, the fans got on pretty well. I remember when the Manchester United-Yankee linkup was announced. Those two did not get on well at all. It ended up being a "mine is bigger than yours" contest, which is fitting considering the mental capabilities of your average Yankee/Red Devil fan.

  4. #34

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Virgil Stallcup;585567;
    Once the initial troll-hopping ceased, the fans got on pretty well. I remember when the Manchester United-Yankee linkup was announced. Those two did not get on well at all. It ended up being a "mine is bigger than yours" contest, which is fitting considering the mental capabilities of your average Yankee/Red Devil fan.
    You've just earned the love of every Liverpool fan with that comment! :lol:
    I guess The Yankee's are your 'Man United' then?
    I have to say, I enjoyed it when we played Baseball in school (Well it wasn't exactly baseball, but it was similar) now I have a team to support. :thumbsup:

  5. #35
    Triple A
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Wink Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Virgil Stallcup;585567;
    Once the initial troll-hopping ceased, the fans got on pretty well. I remember when the Manchester United-Yankee linkup was announced. Those two did not get on well at all. It ended up being a "mine is bigger than yours" contest, which is fitting considering the mental capabilities of your average Yankee/Red Devil fan.
    Hi Virgil,

    I'm already switched on to the Red Sox.

  6. #36
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2ruered;585562;
    You know full well my comment about gerrards shirt and the flag was a metaphor, thats probbably too complicated for you to understand though. Its the fans that dont think before they act that do that kind of shit. Like I said aswell, I didnt need to be there to know that burning someones national flag is something that shouldnt have been done. Do you think those lads are sorry for doing it? Probably not, they were probably having a laugh about it a few hours later with their mates, watching themselves on youtube. Yeah they 'Bothered their arse' to turn up....... it wouldve been better if they hadnt! You also call it 'Unwise' which is kind of a mild understatement considering how a lot of people seem to have reacted to it.

    And yeah, youre the one saying that if people dont go to matches theyre not fans m8, not me. A lot of people go to matches when they can, like mentioned in a previous post..... they just cant afford to go regularly. Were not all heroes like you with season tickets m8 so for that I apologise.

    You just exude arrogance and ignorance. Ill leave it at that as were not doing ourselves any favours dragging this out on these forums. You may not care about our relations with what could soon be our "Sister/Brother" club but a lot of fans do.

    My exact quote from the other thread:

    "Burning the stars and stripes was a quite stupid gesture indeed but it was done by a minority, the same kind of minority that burned a Steven Gerrard shirt a few seasons ago. Namely one that fails to think before it acts."

    Where here do I say that its the same people? I say its the same kind of people. Get your facts straight lad, or learn how to read.
    a couple of things, 1) I gave up my seasie in my own personal boycott, 2) wtf are you on about sister/brother club and 3) your personal insults show your level of discussion.

    I really can't be arsed with your type so I'll ignore your further attempts to engage me, you're not worth educating.
    Who delivers ten times out of ten? Thats right baby.

  7. #37

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnShaft;585589;
    a couple of things, 1) I gave up my seasie in my own personal boycott, 2) wtf are you on about sister/brother club and 3) your personal insults show your level of discussion.

    I really can't be arsed with your type so I'll ignore your further attempts to engage me, you're not worth educating.
    1. So then by your own logic youre not a fan because you dont attend games. Slightly hypocritical if im honest, especially seeing as you told people "If you dont go, dont blow".

    2. Yes, The Redsox and Liverpool FC could soon be sharing owners. No doubts there will be publicity and marketing designed with both teams included. The parallels between the two clubs have already been noted. Expect to see Redsox shirts for sale in the LFC store and vice versa. So yes in that sense they will have connections. The Brother/Sister club thing is just an example.

    3. You started by insulting people by questioning their support and motives. Calling people 'Glory Hunters' is an insult is it not?

    Nuff said really.

  8. #38

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    So 'Sox fans, when are your team on TV, I'll try and watch it!

  9. #39

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    So 'Sox fans, when are your team on TV, I'll try and watch it!

  10. #40
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dojji;585560;
    But it is the same people. Not the same biological entities, but the same sort, if you take my meaning. The sort that does drastic things to get attention and doesn't care about the consequences. They just did it differently is all.
    Not to me Dojji. To put it into context you must understand the attitude towards nationalism in Liverpool. There is a saying, "we're not English, we're Scouse". There are Scouse Solidarnosc banners on the Kop and the rest of the country just look on in bewilderment at aways when we express this sentiment. Burning the stars and stripes means nothing to these young lads, the same way as it means something to you. They cannot understand why you think it's something to be proud of like you probably dont understand why they don't think it's such an act of stupidity. Liverpool was hung out to dry by the government in this country so Liverpudlians don't really see themselves as English. You ask someone from Liverpool who you meet abroad where they're from and they wont say England, they'll say Liverpool. Just remember they were two teenage lads on an emotional protest playing to an audience whilst being antagonised by the police. How many teenagers do you know who are wise Dojji? The fella who burned the shirt is an emptyhead in his mid twenties who was manipulated by Sky Sports (Fox network) and a few months later was asking Gerrard to sign a shirt for him outside the training ground. They are not the same circumstance by a long way, trust me.
    Who delivers ten times out of ten? Thats right baby.

  11. #41

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnShaft;585599;
    Not to me Dojji. To put it into context you must understand the attitude towards nationalism in Liverpool. There is a saying, "we're not English, we're Scouse". There are Scouse Solidarnosc banners on the Kop and the rest of the country just look on in bewilderment at aways when we express this sentiment. Burning the stars and stripes means nothing to these young lads, the same way as it means something to you. They cannot understand why you think it's something to be proud of like you probably dont understand why they don't think it's such an act of stupidity. Liverpool was hung out to dry by the government in this country so Liverpudlians don't really see themselves as English. You ask someone from Liverpool who you meet abroad where they're from and they wont say England, they'll say Liverpool. Just remember they were two teenage lads on an emotional protest playing to an audience whilst being antagonised by the police. How many teenagers do you know who are wise Dojji? The fella who burned the shirt is an emptyhead in his mid twenties who was manipulated by Sky Sports (Fox network) and a few months later was asking Gerrard to sign a shirt for him outside the training ground. They are not the same circumstance by a long way, trust me.
    First off, I totally understand the point youre driving at. The fans on here who are apologising are doing so because unlike the young lads you mention, a lot of scousers arent blind to the world around them. I'm a scouser, but im also ex-forces and take great pride in the Union Flag and St Georges cross, 2 flags my ancestors fought for in 2 world wars. The best way you could explain to these lads how most of these angry Americans feel is by asking them what they would do if they saw someone burning a Liverpool Flag... they would probably want to drop the lad doing it.

    I drew the Flag/Shirt parallel simply because both were acts that showed a total lack of forethought and both acts were potentially damaging to the clubs and fans reputations. There are similarities between them, regardless if one was done by some knobhead and the other by two naive young lads. The similarity is that they both made a bad impression and both couldve been potentially damaging to the club.

    Anyway, I dont want to continue arguing with you John. Tensions amongst the fans is high at the moment and will be until we get rid of Hicks & Gillett.


  12. #42
    Major Leaguer
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    We've all got honour medals won by our ancestors mate. We'll agree to disagree as we're both comming from different angles but wish for the same thing ultimately, the success of Liverpool Football Club, for me that success would be fan ownership even if it meant going down a league or two before we came back. I know it's extreme but I want this club for my grandchildren and their children and I'm prepared to wait for our chance. Foreign owners are, for me, only there for what they can get.
    Who delivers ten times out of ten? Thats right baby.

  13. #43

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnShaft;585625;
    We've all got honour medals won by our ancestors mate. We'll agree to disagree as we're both comming from different angles but wish for the same thing ultimately, the success of Liverpool Football Club, for me that success would be fan ownership even if it meant going down a league or two before we came back. I know it's extreme but I want this club for my grandchildren and their children and I'm prepared to wait for our chance. Foreign owners are, for me, only there for what they can get.
    I think your opinion is going to be a common one to be honest. Unfortunately the clubs current owners have given us every reason to distrust foreign investors. Even if those investors do have good intentions and are prepared to get the club moving forward, theyll still be met with a certain amount of distrust. Ideally our new owner would be a billionaire from Bootle but there arent many of them about.

    NESV will hopefully be a breath of fresh air for us and if their track record with The Boston Redsox is anything to go by we should be in good hands.

  14. #44

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnShaft;585625;
    We've all got honour medals won by our ancestors mate. We'll agree to disagree as we're both comming from different angles but wish for the same thing ultimately, the success of Liverpool Football Club, for me that success would be fan ownership even if it meant going down a league or two before we came back. I know it's extreme but I want this club for my grandchildren and their children and I'm prepared to wait for our chance. Foreign owners are, for me, only there for what they can get.
    Same could be said for most domestic owners. Jack Walker and Jack Hayward were simply men cut from a different cloth. They were a rare breed of owner, people who bought the club to benefit the community and not themselves.

    Fan-owned clubs? I'm a big admirer of AFC Wimbledon, Exeter City, and the other clubs trying to make a run at it in that fashion. It didn't work so well for Stockport.

    I don't think you'll ever see it at Liverpool. It is a club too big to be ignored when it is up for sale.

    I think it could work, provided there was a cosmopolitan outlook from the Board and an attempt to reach out to fans around the world to pitch in as club members.

    No doubt NESV are in it to make a profit. But they realize, as Hicks and Gillette didn't, that to make a profit you have to invest in the product. If they become your club's custodians, then your club will be as safe for your descendants as the Red Sox will be for their future fans.

  15. #45

    Re: from a liverpool fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ride The Walrus;585584;
    You've just earned the love of every Liverpool fan with that comment! :lol:
    I guess The Yankee's are your 'Man United' then?
    RTW, the Yankees are everything you've ever learned to hate in life.

    I have to say, I enjoyed it when we played Baseball in school (Well it wasn't exactly baseball, but it was similar) now I have a team to support. :thumbsup:
    England has an interesting baseball history, especially at Derby County. The name of their old ground (The Baseball Ground) caught my eye when I first started getting into English football in the 1990s. Apparently, the Rams Chairman was a huge baseball fan and tried to import baseball to his local community as he was building up the football club.

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