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Thread: New announcement, please read last post 8/16/2016

  1. #1
    Super, Duper Moderator Youk Of The Nation's Avatar
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    New announcement, please read last post 8/16/2016

    This thread is meant mainly for our new members from the former BDC boards. You guys are great, and you've brought a lot of new blood into the Red Sox and general baseball discussions on this site, which can only be good.

    This is not a warning of any kind, just a friendly suggestion from the guy whose job it is to keep the forum navigable and uncluttered. In the short time since you all arrived, you have created nearly as many threads as the rest of our members combined over the few months before you joined. We all appreciate your opinions and comments, just as much as we appreciate those of our longtime members. However, every passing thought or comment does not necessitate it's own new thread. If everyone created a thread for the same "topics" that have popped up over the last week or two, we would quickly end up with hundreds of active threads, many of which would only have a handful of posts before falling into disuse. Limiting the number of active threads has always allowed our members to keep track of, and participate in, any discussion or debate happening on TalkSox without too much trouble. We want everyone to be able to offer their own insights (even the Yankees fans, in the grandest tradition of Evelyn Hall).

    So, going forward, just think about the thread you want to create. Is the opening topic likely to need a separate thread for involved discussion?

    - Specific comments about in-game occurrences or performances can generally be posted in that day's Gamethread. They could also be posted in existing threads dedicated to discussion about specific players (the Travis Shaw thread, the Pablo Sandoval thread, the David Ortiz retirement thread, et cetera).

    - Comments or insights about general happenings for the Red Sox or baseball in general can almost always be posted in the 2016 Red Sox Season discussion thread, or the Yankees Season discussion thread, or the General Baseball Gamethread. In fact, we could (and should, and will) start a 2016 Baseball Discussion Thread in the General Baseball forum, we usually have one and I'm surprised we don't at this point.

    There are plenty of topics that absolutely deserve their own threads. A player getting busted for PEDs, major or minor trades as the season goes on, questions meant to spark an interesting conversation (i.e., "The Sox Player of the Month for April". That's an excellent idea by one of our new members, and I think it should be a regular thing at the end of the month going forward.)

    Some of you may be posting multiple threads in order to involve yourself in the conversations between more established members. You have no need to worry around here. Make your observations, make your opinions known in any of our threads on any topic, people will respond to you. I promise none of our new members will be ignored.

    Thank you for listening!

    Your benevolent despot,

    Quote Originally Posted by YANKEESRULE View Post
    Yea got hand it to the Sox, they just could not go queitly into the night. Well, they are just post-poning the inevitable.
    - From the 2004 ALCS Game 4 Gamethread. A reminder that no game is over until the final out is recorded, and things will always get better. Misspellings unchanged as a reminder that Yankees fans are just terrible.

  2. #2
    Deity Kimmi's Avatar
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    Another shout out to our awesome mod YOTN!

    It's not my place to say, but I agree with you about the multitude of new threads. For me, it's been a little overwhelming. The members that are here from BDC are great, as are their discussions, but I think that a lot of the discussions can be conducted in threads that already exist.

    My 2 cents, but I'll survive either way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    The proliferation of unnecessary/repetitive threads always kind of bugged me at BDC, so honestly this is a welcome change.

    I guarantee people will adjust to the different standards and expectations, and your patience is certainly appreciated in the meantime.

  4. #4
    Double A
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    I shall post no more forever.

  5. #5
    All-Star devildavid's Avatar
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    Even though I came from BDC my natural reticence and shyness makes me very cautious about starting a new thread. BDC tended to churn out more threads than could be digested without a bad case of dyspepsia. I do appreciate a well moderated forum and agree with the philosopy here. I do like to express my opinion and very often I find myself in the minority. But I don't feel in any way restrained to do so here.

  6. #6
    Fight the Hate Dojji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billge View Post
    I shall post no more forever.
    that is the exact opposite of what we want. This isn't SoSH where every minor deviation from the established mindset is subject to immediate censure. All we ask is that you check to see if your thoughts might belong in an existing thread before creating a new one, because it's easier to keep track of long chains of conversation if they're all happening in more or less the same places.
    If history tells us anything, the path to redeption for any bad baseball team is marked with a deep rotation of durable starters, a world class defense in both infield and outfield, a lineup that can generate runs in more than one way, a bullpen that won't steal defeat from the jaws of victory, and a top end catcher to hold the whole package together. These are the conditions by which victory is achieved, anything that does not accomplish these objectives is a waste of resources.

  7. #7
    Major Leaguer
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    Land of the Enemy, NY state
    I do agree that we had many multiple and superfluous threads, as well as many just plain trolling threads at BDC. I learned what the ignore button was all about

    I hope Bilge comes around. I know I won't post as I used to because quite often my threads had that rare number of replies. In many ways I was being an apologist (Apologia majora .... Master Apologist - completely made up latineese there). I tended to go after Sox fans that had poor things to say about the Sox. My mantra is essentially if it's your team, be FOR it. And a team means us. "They" are who we attack ... starting with the Yanquis of course, and then any other team. Cheerleader, to some. Homer, to others. Sobeit.

    It just means we will have to tailor our habits. If we have another forum where we were more gunlsinger-ish than here, we can always spout off there.

    Youk, you might mention that if we are wanting to follow our own posts, there is a mechanism here to do that. It may help us newcomers feel less like we are just drifting into the miasma if we know where our thoughts are.... Ownership of our thoughts was a freedom at BDC that is less obvious here. It just takes some adjusting.

    Off to work, just another place to raise sand, since most are silly Yanqui fans!

  8. #8
    Deity Bellhorn04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by devildavid View Post
    Even though I came from BDC my natural reticence and shyness makes me very cautious about starting a new thread. BDC tended to churn out more threads than could be digested without a bad case of dyspepsia. I do appreciate a well moderated forum and agree with the philosopy here. I do like to express my opinion and very often I find myself in the minority. But I don't feel in any way restrained to do so here.
    You are an asset to any forum, dd. You speak your own views honestly and you are capable of having a civil disagreement.

  9. #9
    Legend S5Dewey's Avatar
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    One thing I've very much liked about this board is the way it's moderated. I've noticed that there's room for some profanity - which is fine with me - as well as some decidedly un-PC stuff - which again is ok with me. I've also noticed that when a discussion begins to get out of hand YOTN steps in and politely asks the posters to "take it outside". All of it is good.

    Regarding threads now, those of us from BDC come from a slightly different place, a place where threads were started on a whim. The best survived and the rest fell out, also called normal attrition or survival of the fittest. A thread about, say, Travis Shaw, could morph into being about player's salaries and then to the cost of the concessions at Fenway. I saw it as a bunch of people sitting around a table in a bar drinking beer and talking about whatever came up. Apparently this forum is more structured than that.

    I'm uncertain whether any feedback is wanted regarding the thread's OP but here's some anyway. In spite of the fact that I've started two threads since I showed up here I very seldom do start a thread. When I do it's often just something I throw out as an observation - my thread about David Price's best friends is an example of that - and I'm only looking to see if others have considered the same thing. I don't see the thread as having a long shelf life and that's fine. I expect it to be at the bottom of the page within a day or two.

    I now feel a little, as Archie Bunker would say, "Stifled". I'm not trying to be difficult. I realize that I'm the new kid in the old sandbox and I'm trying to get along. I'm just wondering how much latitude I have regarding "soft" topics and non-stat observations that don't really fit in the more serious threads/conversations.

    Your feedback is appreciated.

  10. #10
    Deity Bellhorn04's Avatar
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    We might need some sort of 'catch-all' thread for those whimsical thoughts that became threads on BDC.

  11. #11
    "Just one more thing..." Northern Star's Avatar
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    I think Talksox has too few threads but I agree with not wanting to go too far the other way. Nothing more annoying than six threads on the same topic.
    1. Yankees lose
    2. Red Sox win

    Quote Originally Posted by joeycaps View Post
    So shut up because you have no idea on what you say on anything as evidence of some of your ridiculous posts.

  12. #12
    Super, Duper Moderator Youk Of The Nation's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by S5Dewey View Post
    One thing I've very much liked about this board is the way it's moderated. I've noticed that there's room for some profanity - which is fine with me - as well as some decidedly un-PC stuff - which again is ok with me. I've also noticed that when a discussion begins to get out of hand YOTN steps in and politely asks the posters to "take it outside". All of it is good.

    Regarding threads now, those of us from BDC come from a slightly different place, a place where threads were started on a whim. The best survived and the rest fell out, also called normal attrition or survival of the fittest. A thread about, say, Travis Shaw, could morph into being about player's salaries and then to the cost of the concessions at Fenway. I saw it as a bunch of people sitting around a table in a bar drinking beer and talking about whatever came up. Apparently this forum is more structured than that.

    I'm uncertain whether any feedback is wanted regarding the thread's OP but here's some anyway. In spite of the fact that I've started two threads since I showed up here I very seldom do start a thread. When I do it's often just something I throw out as an observation - my thread about David Price's best friends is an example of that - and I'm only looking to see if others have considered the same thing. I don't see the thread as having a long shelf life and that's fine. I expect it to be at the bottom of the page within a day or two.

    I now feel a little, as Archie Bunker would say, "Stifled". I'm not trying to be difficult. I realize that I'm the new kid in the old sandbox and I'm trying to get along. I'm just wondering how much latitude I have regarding "soft" topics and non-stat observations that don't really fit in the more serious threads/conversations.

    Your feedback is appreciated.
    My feedback on that would be basically a trimmed-down version of my original post. "Soft topics" don't need their own thread most of the time. You can just make the comment in an existing thread where it somewhat conforms to the original topic. A perfect example would be last night. Someone, I don't remember who, created a thread called "Takestrikeoneitis" and the opening post was simply a statement that a couple players on the Sox are suffering from it. That was a post that could have been made and commented on within the gamethread that was currently running. Another example would be the thread the other day about why no one calls Pedroia "The Destroia".

    "Soft" topics or thoughts that are inspired by events unfolding in live games can almost always spark a better discussion within the Gamethreads than they can as separate threads that will quickly die when a "soft" topic loses its hook.
    Quote Originally Posted by YANKEESRULE View Post
    Yea got hand it to the Sox, they just could not go queitly into the night. Well, they are just post-poning the inevitable.
    - From the 2004 ALCS Game 4 Gamethread. A reminder that no game is over until the final out is recorded, and things will always get better. Misspellings unchanged as a reminder that Yankees fans are just terrible.

  13. #13
    "Just one more thing..." Northern Star's Avatar
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    every board I've been on, I've believed in one game thread throughout the game. Some boards try to get away from that, which is a disaster.
    1. Yankees lose
    2. Red Sox win

    Quote Originally Posted by joeycaps View Post
    So shut up because you have no idea on what you say on anything as evidence of some of your ridiculous posts.

  14. #14
    All-Star devildavid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bellhorn04 View Post
    You are an asset to any forum, dd. You speak your own views honestly and you are capable of having a civil disagreement.
    Thanks. Right back at you.

  15. #15
    "Just one more thing..." Northern Star's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    Also, it's the Red Sox. Profanity is mandatory.
    1. Yankees lose
    2. Red Sox win

    Quote Originally Posted by joeycaps View Post
    So shut up because you have no idea on what you say on anything as evidence of some of your ridiculous posts.

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