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Thread: COVID - Anything goes

  1. #5881
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredLynn View Post
    I am not sure what you mean by this....I read an article that indicated who is and who is not more or less likely to be following mitigation procedures. I can dig it up if you like. Its not a political issue for me, its a public health issue. I have no problem labeling idiots who are not wearing a mask when they clearly should for what they are. Those are the people who are prolonging this for EVERYONE. If 80%of the people wore a mask 80% of the time we would be rid of this.
    oh i think most of the stuff I post is pretty damn easy to understand. I really have no interest in reading articles that you post. i 'm wearing mine but for you to claim that you are not politicizing this issue is ridiculous. I'm not much of a name caller. It seems to be a bit judgmental but I would say that I have as little patience for hypocrites as you do for non-mask wearers.

  2. #5882
    Quote Originally Posted by 5GoldGloves:OF,75 View Post
    The idiocy started in the Spring with unmasked protests to open up the great states of Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia. Then others crowded beaches, pool parties, bars and restaurants, Memorial Day through 4th of July.

    I'm glad we agree that selfish, entitled American idiocy is bipartisan.
    The only difference being one side (conservatives) protested peaceably while the left looted, burned, pillaged and injured.

  3. #5883
    Quote Originally Posted by Sox75 View Post
    These myopic partisans can keep chanting the same thing.... "Where's the plan? Where's the plan? Despite the fact that the U.S. is doing everything any other country in the world is doing... & MORE!
    - Social distancing
    - Protecting the elderly in LTCF's, unless they live in NY, NJ, Conn, where Dem governors want more death, hoping for more money.
    - MASKS up the ass
    - close-down to flatten the curve


    Do you hear the quiet rumble?

    That is the silent majority rumbling. Collectively muttering. I wasn't quite sure until I recently talked to a couple of VERY MODERATE / fiscally conservative Democrats I know.

    One said, "Trump is a major idiot, but we can't have this shit going on!"

    - Non-stop fearmongering on Covid.
    - Keeping schools closed in late August. Maybe all year long? How the hell are parents going to go back to work?
    * Shutting business back down.
    * Unemployment through the roof!
    * Budgets imploding
    * The DEBT now up over $26 TRILLION
    * No way to even fund all the necessities, let alone get anything proactive done in our community.
    * WE KNOW TAXES WILL HAVE TO SPIKE indefinitely to cover these deficits.
    * Keep pretending the economy doesn't matter!

    - Now, we're all guilty of "White Privilege?"
    - CNN is running a new story every day to hammer down our throats thst we are the new KKK? That our unrecognized White Privilege is the equivalent of a Klansman's thinking. That WE perpetuate holding down & subjugating blacks?
    * Police are inherently bad?
    * Cops are THE BIG problem?
    * Social workers handling volatile domestic abuse calls?
    * My friend said, "that's it! ENOUGH OF THIS INSANITY! No sane American is going to go along with this! You want to see more "White Flight" from communities pushing this insanity? Democrats think we want this shit? They are in for another shocker in 2020!
    - Riots are protests?
    - Riots are like "block parties?"
    - Looting TV's is just getting a loaf of bread?
    - Smashing windows & burning down businesses is civil disobedience?
    - Cop assassinations are JUST vengeance?
    - The EPIC SPIKE in inner-city murder, grand larceny, rape, & other violent crimes is the "voice of the unheard?"
    ARE THESE Dems on fucking crack?
    * BLM is just a peace loving group wanting equal rights for African Americans? Bullshit!
    * ANTIFA = Anti-Facists? Bullshit!

    * Tearing down even statues of Grant?
    * Tearing down our Flag?
    * Burning our Flag?
    * Openly advocating for even changing the names of Washington DC? Jefferson? etc ..
    * Wanting to tear down the legacy of our Revolution begun in 1776?
    * Tearing down the ideals of our Founding Fathers.
    * Wanting to PURGE the nation of any memory of WHY our Founding Fathers risked their lives, declared our Independence, fought and won our very LIBERTY from Tyranny? Trying to beat it into our collective consciences, that their heroism & leadership meant NOTHING?
    * They want to tear it ALL DOWN, and re-take ("transform") this country into a socialist nightmare?
    * They want to replace our Democratic Republic with socialism. They claim some Democratic Socialism, but as Orwell so brilliantly wrote, these are Totalitarian Socialists. Getting "help" will never be enough. They dream that THEY will rule, and they fully understand that 1/2 the country will never give on this country as it was founded.

    If this BLM / ANTIFA movement does not at least give you major pause, you are in for the 2nd SHOCK OF YOUR LIFE in 2020. You are going to be completely blindsided by what is going to happen in November 2020.

    I didn't truly believe this until the last few weeks! I truly thought Trump was 1 & DONE! That seemed a few short weeks ago a fait accompi. A DONE DEAL....

    After talking with a few friends? All I can hope for, is that Democrats keep doing what they do. Racial politics & budget dessimating shut downs.

    They will snatch defeat from the jaw of victory in 2020!
    I just hope to God Pelosi, Schumer, DeBlasio, Cuomo, & all other Democrat leaders keep listening to the collective voices of Moon, Freddy Lynn, & other radical, Woke, & true white privilege unhinged Liberal Progressives.

    You say you want a revolution? OK! You got it!
    Well said!!!!

  4. #5884
    Deity Bellhorn04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tedballgame View Post
    The only difference being one side (conservatives) protested peaceably while the left looted, burned, pillaged and injured.
    Yes, it's interesting that the conservative protests are the ones that didn't get hijacked by any bad actors...
    Championships since purchase by John Henry group: Red Sox 4 Yankees 1

    The Red Sox are 8-1 in their last 9 postseason games against the Yankees.

  5. #5885
    NYT Opinion Editor resigns in protest. Says she has been consistently bullied, harrassed, & treated to a hostile work environment...

    * As though we didn't know this already. The totalitarian Liberal Progressive Left is out of control, enjoy absolute power in the msm, and are bent on turning this country into a truly Orwellian culture.

    Remember when the Left used to castigate, vilify, and demonize conservative Christians and other conservatives for their "narrow minded" views, and their often obnoxious, offensive, and INTOLLERANT views?

    Well, my have times changed. Just when the nation finally got to the point where most Christians finally figured out that MOST, even most Christians, understood that intolerance is inherently wrong... Even MORALLY WRONG! In fact, most Christians now get that hammering people with their moralizing views is simply wrong and counterproductive. It turns people off, and people see the inherent hypocrisy in HATING & BERATING your neighbor.

    It is becoming increasingly clear that the new Liberal Progressives are the new haters. I've never in my life seen such intolerance! In fact, it is this intolerance of other views that led to the shut down of our first Jacko Covid thread. The hatred and disdain is palpable. It's obvious. Through the last presidential election, and for years before, Liberal Progressives learned how to better demonize and marginalize their political enemies.

    They truly hate Republicans and Conservatives, the public is quickly learning that lesson. It's not just Trump they hate! They hated Romney, McCain, GWB, Bush sr., Dole, Reagan, and any other Republican near piwer

    * need you read more with this PREDICTABLE CNN HEADLINE?

    Weiss wrote:
    "But the lessons that ought to have followed the election—lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to a democratic society—have not been learned,” Weiss wrote. “Instead, a new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few ...

    Weiss then wrote that “Twitter is not on the masthead of The New York Times,” but social media acts as the ultimate editor.

    If we don't wake up soon, and speak out on the INCREDIBLE INTOLLERANCE on the Left, especially with most new Liberal Progressives, we are going to wake up one day in a very terrifying Orwellian Totalitarian Far-Left socialist America.
    RedSoxDirtdog 19
    Calm down. I've been tamed.

  6. #5886
    Quote Originally Posted by Tedballgame View Post
    The only difference being one side (conservatives) protested peaceably while the left looted, burned, pillaged and injured.


    Poetry, or "an economy of words," has never been my strong suit!

    So simple! So obvious! So illustrative!

    The juxtaposition of what outraged R's, vs. what outrages D's is PERFECT! PRICELESS! It honestly says all that needs to be said about both points of view.

    One side is willing to push for political change through peaceful protest and real civil disobedience. The other side, Dems, are willing to force political change by any means necessary, and it becomes obvious that the protesters truly HATE THIS COUNTRY, AND ALL IT HAS EVER STOOD FOR.


    RedSoxDirtdog 19
    Calm down. I've been tamed.

  7. #5887
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cp176 View Post
    oh i think most of the stuff I post is pretty damn easy to understand. I really have no interest in reading articles that you post. i 'm wearing mine but for you to claim that you are not politicizing this issue is ridiculous. I'm not much of a name caller. It seems to be a bit judgmental but I would say that I have as little patience for hypocrites as you do for non-mask wearers.
    I don't much care if you read articles that I post or not, tbh. I was simply trying to document facts I posted. If you are interested in that proof, fine; if not, fine too. No one is mandated to read anything here.
    I also don't care if you believe that masks, to me, are a public health issue that OTHERS have turned into a political issue. Wearing masks decrease the amount of time we will all have to deal with this. This virus is neither left or right leaning. Its dumb that others have turned it into a political football......counterproductive. The countries that have been the most successful in dealing with the pandemic have avoided it.
    Last edited by FredLynn; 07-14-2020 at 02:11 PM.

  8. #5888
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moonslav59 View Post
    Insufficient is not the same as none.

    You need a lot of evidence, including proving motive, to have "sufficient" evidence.

    Like I said, it's possible they had absolutely no evidence, but the statement is ambiguous as to whether there was none, some or a lot, but just not enough to be sufficient.

    It sounded to me like they had some but were lacking in enough to be sufficient.

    You most certainly did not say "insufficient." You said "no evidence," but spin as you do. Cry "semantics," but the two terms are not interchangeable.
    The evidence was insufficient to "charge" which is a very low bar, essentially they had no evidence against Trump or the campaign of conspiracy. If there was, feel free to list it. Suspicion is not evidence.
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  9. #5889
    King of TalkSox a700hitter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moonslav59 View Post
    USA Today is rated as "Center" on the Allsides Media Bias Rating site.

    They printed this about Black Lives Matter:

    We need leaders to affirm that Black Lives Matter, not exploit the phrase to divide us
    Racial disparities suggest that Black lives really have not mattered. Refusal to even say the words disregards the pain experienced by Black people.

    Kevin Cokley

    President Donald Trump recently called Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate” in response to New York City’s plan to paint Black Lives Matter on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower. Many view this as another attempt by Trump to exploit racial tensions in order to appeal to his base.

    But he isn’t the only one. Walmart received backlash for selling T-shirts that included the phrases “All Lives Matter,” “Blue Lives Matter,” “Irish Lives Matter,” and “Homeless Lives Matter.”

    It is curious why such a simple, affirmative, and humane phrase would become so emotionally provocative and politically divisive.

    The exploitation of Black Lives Matter, whether for political or economic gain, is another manifestation of what Black studies scholar kihana ross argues is anti-Blackness, society’s disdain, disregard and disgust for Black existence.

    Black lives haven't mattered
    The Black Lives Matter phrase is intended to affirm the humanity of all Black people in the midst of deadly oppression in a country where long-standing racial disparities would suggest that Black lives really have not mattered. Take for example the following health and criminal justice data:

    African Americans have the highest mortality rate for all cancers combined compared with all races, are about 50% more likely to have a stroke compared with whites, and are nearly twice as likely to die from diabetes as whites. African Americans have more than twice the infant mortality rate as whites, and Black mothers are more than twice as likely as white mothers to receive late or no prenatal care.

    When it comes to criminal justice disparities, young, unarmed, non-suicidal male victims of fatal use of force are 13 times more likely to be Black than white. Nearly half of the people serving life sentences are African American, and Black people make up nearly 42% of death row inmates while making up 13.4% of the population.

    These racial disparities and many more exist across education, housing, wealth and poverty. So it should be understandable that the phrase Black Lives Matter is said with such urgency. This is why it is so disturbing when certain elected leaders refuse to even say the words.

    When Vice President Mike Pence was asked why he won’t say Black Lives Matter, he indicated that he disagrees with what he characterizes as the radical left agenda, insisting he believes that all lives matter. In his mind, simply saying Black Lives Matter is a tacit endorsement of rioting and looting, rather than acknowledgement of the racism and anti-Blackness inherent in the lived experiences of Black people.

    Pence’s rationalization is unconvincing given that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, a Republican, is willing to march with protesters and say Black Lives Matter. Sadly, the politicization of the words Black Lives Matter has even reached children.

    'All Lives Matter' disregards Black pain
    As my 11-year-old was grieving after watching the video of the police officer with his knee pressed into the neck of George Floyd, we had to have “the talk” — one of the most emotional conversations a Black father could have with his Black son. Later, while playing the video game Fortnite with his white friends, one of them mentioned that there were protests on Fortnite related to George Floyd’s murder. When my son said that Black Lives Matter, one of his friends countered by saying, “All Lives Matter.” For reasons that my son was not able to fully articulate, his friend's' words upset him very much.

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    More:Ready to engage in real conversations about racism? Author Latasha Morrison can help.

    After helping him to understand why he was feeling upset, my wife contacted his friend’s parents to express our anger and disappointment that their son would say this to our son. The parents were mortified, and after talking with their son, they wanted to talk with us. They apologized and explained that they had never said those words to their son, and when talking with him, it became apparent that he did not understand how those words could serve to negate or minimize the message of Black Lives Matter.

    While a child’s utterance of All Lives Matter may likely be uttered in youthful naivete, I do not extend the same considerations to corporations such as Walmart or politicians such as Pence. The refusal to even say the words Black Lives Matter is a blatant disregard of the pain experienced by Black people and suggests a racial skepticism that will never heal the racial divisions in this country.

    And the NY Times calls itself the Paper of Record. They give themselves these titles. Sort of like America's Most Beloved Ballpark. LOL!!
    The King of TalkSox has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    Chaim, you are in the big leagues now. Drawing 10,000 fans a game is not going to cut it, and people don’t buy tickets to Fenway to talk about the Farm

    Quote Originally Posted by notin View Post
    "Relief pitchers are a crapshoot." No, the truth is "Crapshoot pitchers are relievers."

  10. #5890
    Deity moonslav59's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cp176 View Post
    This is an unbelievable sentence even if any actual believable study existed. To assume through this "study" that Democrats care more about the health of the people of this country is over the top bias.
    I never said the Dem care more. You implied that.

    Not thinking masks help is not an example of not caring; it's an example of ignorance. Now, before you start accusing me of calling Repubs more ignorant, I'm not, maybe on this issue, but not over all, and that is assuming the study was accurate.

    I do feel like the study is accurate, because the people protesting mask mandates and stay at home orders are mostly right-wingers. I don't think the view this as a health issue but as a liberty issue.
    When you say it's gonna happen now
    When exactly do you mean?

  11. #5891
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredLynn View Post
    I don't much care if you read articles that I post or not, tbh. I was simply trying to document facts I posted. If you are interested in that proof, fine; if not, fine too. No one is mandated to read anything here.
    I also don't care if you believe that masks, to me, are a public health issue that OTHERS have turned into a political issue. Wearing masks decrease the amount of time we will all have to deal with this. This virus is neither left or right leaning. Its dumb that others have turned it into a political football......counterproductive. The countries that have been the most successful in dealing with the pandemic have avoided it.
    No offense - it is all tiring me out. I'm pretty sure that I am capable of finding as many articles written these days by people that counter some of which you can post that come also from reliable sources. i'm not sure that documenting facts based on much that is happening these days is particularly sensible either. FTR - I'm a mask wearer by choice not because someone is forcing me to wear one nor am I particularly concerned about myself. Others on both sides have certainly turned it into a political football. Donald Trump and his believers do not have the market cornered on the stupidity either. there is more than enough for both sides. If I was into counting jackasses, i'd say it's a pretty even gig no matter how mush people hate and want to blame anything and everything on this President. Once again - stupidity personified.

  12. #5892
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    Quote Originally Posted by moonslav59 View Post
    I never said the Dem care more. You implied that.

    Not thinking masks help is not an example of not caring; it's an example of ignorance. Now, before you start accusing me of calling Repubs more ignorant, I'm not, maybe on this issue, but not over all, and that is assuming the study was accurate.

    I do feel like the study is accurate, because the people protesting mask mandates and stay at home orders are mostly right-wingers. I don't think the view this as a health issue but as a liberty issue.
    bullshit - I implied nothing of the sort!

  13. #5893
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    Quote Originally Posted by moonslav59 View Post
    True, but I think studies have show Republicans are less likely to wear masks. Yes, both sides have their maskless clowns.
    i think that your first sentence a pretty clear implication of what I said to you. I didn't write that. The implication clearly being that Democrats just care a bit more about society in general. That is just ridiculous.

  14. #5894
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    Quote Originally Posted by cp176 View Post
    i think that your first sentence a pretty clear implication of what I said to you. I didn't write that. The implication clearly being that Democrats just care a bit more about society in general. That is just ridiculous.
    I do NOT think that Republicans care less (or more) about the country than Democrats. They just care differently; they have different priorities, obviously. Wearing a mask is not a political issue for me. I just want to get rid of this plague as quickly as possible and those who value "personal liberty" over public health are impediments to making that happen. There are times you have to sacrifice a little person freedom for the good of society-like not driving drunk. Asian countries understand this and do it a LOT better than we do; most countries do.
    I understand that you will not agree with this, but if someone makes the decision that their personal freedom is worth more than public health (and, by the way, the economy of the nation) that is not as *good* a decision as sacrificing a little freedom for a little while. You have made that personal decision, and I think its the correct one. Just today the head of the CDC said that if everyone wore masks we could get rid of this in 4-8 weeks. ITS NOT THAT TOUGH TO DO!

  15. #5895
    Deity moonslav59's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a700hitter View Post
    The evidence was insufficient to "charge" which is a very low bar, essentially they had no evidence against Trump or the campaign of conspiracy. If there was, feel free to list it. Suspicion is not evidence.
    1) The DOJ believes it cannot charge a sitting president.
    2) The "bar" for conspiracy is very high due to the need for proving intent and the "value" of some of the things the Russians gave the campaign.
    3) Much was left out of the report, but the report does mention several events that are "evidence" of "collusion" but apparently insufficient for "conspiracy:'

    Here are some I found from the link provided below:

    1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.

    2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.

    3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

    4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

    5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

    6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.

    7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.

    8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time.

    9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers.

    10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases.

    11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases.

    12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016.

    13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations.

    14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration.

    During the course of 2016, Trump Campaign associates failed to report any of the Russian/WikiLeaks overtures to federal law enforcement, publicly denied any contacts with Russians/WikiLeaks, and actively encouraged the public to doubt that Russia was behind the hacking and distribution of stolen emails.

    One qualification before proceeding to the analysis in Part II: a significant amount of relevant information was unavailable to Mueller due to four factors. First, as the Report states, “several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office,” and “those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference.” Second, President Trump’s interference in the investigation also appears to have stymied the investigation. A key example is Paul Manafort’s failure to cooperate with the Special Counsel because he was apparently led to believe that President Trump would pardon him. Third, some individuals used encrypted communications or deleted their communications. Fourth, some of the individuals who “cooperated” with the investigation (e.g., Steve Bannon) appear to have been deceptive or not fully forthcoming in their dealings with the Special Counsel. Several individuals failed to recall the content of important conversations with Trump or other Campaign associates. The Report states, “Even when individuals testified or agreed to be interviewed, they sometimes provided information that was false or incomplete.”

    Finally, some tips for reading the Mueller Report. It is important to keep in mind that the Report’s analysis is about whether or not to prosecute someone for a crime. Furthermore, statements that the investigation “did not establish” something occurred are not the same as saying there was “no evidence” that it occurred. The Report has clear ways of saying when the investigation found no evidence. It conveys the absence of any evidence when, for example, it states the investigation “did not identify evidence” or “did not uncover evidence” that something occurred. Even then, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. When there is “evidence of absence,” the Special Counsel was willing to say the investigation “established” effectively that something did not occur. For example, the Report states that the investigation “established” that interactions between the Russian Ambassador and Campaign officials at certain locations were “brief, public, and non-substantive.” That finding excludes the possibility that something more nefarious occurred in those particular interactions. A keen eye on these kinds of distinctions is important when reading the Report itself.

    (see part 2 below)
    When you say it's gonna happen now
    When exactly do you mean?

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