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Thread: Politics

  1. #1


    JFK's 1960 campaign slogan was: A Time for Greatness. I like to think that it came from the title of my favorite book, A Time for Greatness by Herbert Agar, a polemic about America's decision to stop the Axis. If you've ever encountered the Table Talks of the Axis leader you realize that he refuted the grand vision of Western philosophical idealism. His case was for barbarism. For years I have explored the loss of our government's vision from the era of FDR with the loss in my infancy of our young, heroic, knowledgeable, wise, outspoken leader. Slowly, I began to realize that there was probably an underlying Texas Schoolbook that doubles the refrain of refuting our society's premises. Lately, we have become an Axis power only not yet overtly.

    Trying to understand has taken work. I was born in 1960 and saw the 60's / 70's as a youngster. I came to understand both the sway held over the young by intoxicants and the backlash. In reading about all this, I learned that JFK was swung through Tacoma in Fall of 1963, Klondike Gold Rush country, where particularly in Dawson City, there were town prostitution rings and the attending violent censorship that surrounds them. The Carousel Club that produced Jack Ruby was part of a nationwide underworld. Some of those dancing girl images seem to almost precursor HAIR and reckless abandon. What if they were part of an argument, I reasoned, from a Texas Schoolbook?

    Maturity towards the powerful wave of feelings and issues involved in these heavy times seems to me made a struggle in part because of how toxic the dismissal of maturity in our affairs has become. It is as if we don't want to be adults, as if it isn't enough to build character strong and sure for example against racism, instead we are told to run riot. It is the leaving of our momentous problems to the children that has made Greta Thunberg's outraged voice so resonant. Our philosophical ethics are being erased in the name of things we believe in, as though some inscrutable hoodwinker has framed the discourse.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPig View Post
    JFK's 1960 campaign slogan was: A Time for Greatness. I like to think that it came from the title of my favorite book, A Time for Greatness by Herbert Agar, a polemic about America's decision to stop the Axis. If you've ever encountered the Table Talks of the Axis leader you realize that he refuted the grand vision of Western philosophical idealism. His case was for barbarism. For years I have explored the loss of our government's vision from the era of FDR with the loss in my infancy of our young, heroic, knowledgeable, wise, outspoken leader. Slowly, I began to realize that there was probably an underlying Texas Schoolbook that doubles the refrain of refuting our society's premises. Lately, we have become an Axis power only not yet overtly.

    Trying to understand has taken work. I was born in 1960 and saw the 60's / 70's as a youngster. I came to understand both the sway held over the young by intoxicants and the backlash. In reading about all this, I learned that JFK was swung through Tacoma in Fall of 1963, Klondike Gold Rush country, where particularly in Dawson City, there were town prostitution rings and the attending violent censorship that surrounds them. The Carousel Club that produced Jack Ruby was part of a nationwide underworld. Some of those dancing girl images seem to almost precursor HAIR and reckless abandon. What if they were part of an argument, I reasoned, from a Texas Schoolbook?

    Maturity towards the powerful wave of feelings and issues involved in these heavy times seems to me made a struggle in part because of how toxic the dismissal of maturity in our affairs has become. It is as if we don't want to be adults, as if it isn't enough to build character strong and sure for example against racism, instead we are told to run riot. It is the leaving of our momentous problems to the children that has made Greta Thunberg's outraged voice so resonant. Our philosophical ethics are being erased in the name of things we believe in, as though some inscrutable hoodwinker has framed the discourse.
    Very well written. However , TalkSox just got rid of a disaster known as the " anything goes " thread . Let's not do anything to revive that . This type of thread will surely devolve into a mess in record time. Let's stop it before it does.

  3. #3
    Deity moonslav59's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Sugar Land, Texas
    I second that demotion.
    When you say it's gonna happen now
    When exactly do you mean?

  4. #4
    I'm here to learn not to teach.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPig View Post
    I'm here to learn not to teach.
    This might not be the best place to learn anything , oh wise one . That's all from me . I'm out.

  6. #6
    Closing to avoid another disaster

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